Sunday, September 30, 2007
just a quickie....
Thank you, so much, for all the wonderful messages I got when I went into my YIM! I can’t even begin to tell you all how much those warm thoughts meant to me....
For those of you who read my blog on Alt, could I ask a big favor? Uniquejam could use some hugs and warm wishes right now..... Please pop over and let her know you care?
I’m FINALLY off all the major pain medications and just on the Lyrica for now. Wow! How amazing it is to finally feel like I’m not struggling to put two words together! Now, that doesn’t mean I’m anywhere back to normal yet, as if I ever was! lol But it does mean that I think I can finally get some things done that have just been beyond my abilities the last week plus.
This week’s objectives? First of all, I have to find all the notes I wrote last week (because who knows where I put them all!) and consolidate them into a single, coherent list of things I need to get done. I’m still on restrictions by Sir, so no grocery shopping on my own, a limit of one load of laundry at a time, and no house cleaning. *sigh* I gotta find that piece of paper that has the number of the house cleaner on it QUICKLY!
OK. Just because I know I’m still a bit scatter-brained, I’m writing down some of the things I want to write about. MasterSpanker33 has written some great postings about Bollywood that have thoughts running around in my head. Some of those need to be put into some form of coherency. I’ve learned quite a bit about Sir’s love, more than I *thought* I understood. These are things that are still running around in my mind and settling into my heart. I want, so badly, to write about that. Mostly because it’s finally dawning on me that I can be loved in the way I always thought would never be possible. There’s a big difference between saying “Yes, Sir” and embracing what is being said. It’s a lesson that is worming its way into my mind, and I need to get some of that out.
Guess this wasn’t such a quickie, was it?
Posted by WistfulWench ::
12:53 PM ::
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