A Cry in the Dark

Saturday, September 22, 2007

being disobedient....

Well, as in so many things in my life, I have taken one step forward and two steps back again. The epidural I had last week seemed to be working. The aches and pains in my legs were being reduced. The burning sensation has almost completely gone away with the medication. Unfortunately, that all disappeared Thursday afternoon.

I’ve only been in the office for four hours since August 18. While I have been able to get my work done from home, there is something to be said for having that “face” time with my co-workers. Since I seemed to be recovering, I decided to try spending more time sitting as last week progressed. On Monday, I sat at my desk for two hours. No problem! Every day I increased the time, figuring I could get to eight hours and then feel comfortable with going back to the office for a couple of days before going out to Chicago for three or four weeks.

On Thursday, things seemed to be going fine. I was careful to not sit for more than thirty minutes at a time. The instructions I had received from the physical therapist was that I needed to walk around for at least 5 minutes before sitting again. Having been through all of this four years ago, I knew to follow those instructions. Unfortunately, with no warning, at five hours of doing this routine, I went into spasms again. The pins and needles feeling in my left calf, ankle and foot went from barely noticeable to almost painful. I started to have pain in the back of my thigh and left buttock. *sigh* I was back to where I had been three weeks ago.

After spending most of Thursday night and Friday in tears, I caved in and called the specialist. I’m back on Percocet and Valium again. My Lyrica dosage has been doubled. And I’m scheduled for a follow-up epidural on Friday.

As is usual, Sir came over last night after work. His concern for my condition was quite evident. As He left for work this morning, He was very specific in the instructions I was given. Today, I am to do as little as possible in order to take care of my back. While I am quite gratified by His concern, I now have a serious dilemma facing me.

Sir is allergic to cats. As you probably know if you read my blog, I have two. Normally, He has no problem coming here, as I run the sweeper at least once or twice a week and keep the apartment pretty clean. Since the cats sleep with me during the week, I also make certain the sheets on the bed are changed every Friday morning so He will not have to deal with dander on them. The problem? I haven’t been able to run the sweeper for two weeks, as that is one of the big no-no tasks according to my physical therapist. The pain I had yesterday meant I didn’t get the bedding changed. Poor Sir spent the night coughing and having a hard time breathing due to congestion.

I’m going to be disobedient today. I HAVE to run the sweeper and change the bed linens. It is too painful for me to see Him suffering for something that can be fixed so easily.

He had joked with me last week about putting up a posting asking all of you to suggest punishment for transgressions. Since I am intentionally being disobedient, I won’t wait for Him to tell me to make this posting. I will also be sending an e-mail to His Domme friend asking for her suggestions.

I am intentionally and willfully disobeying His instructions to me this morning. Please suggest an appropriate punishment for my behavior. If Sir wishes, I will let you know what He decided to do.

Posted by WistfulWench :: 9:37 AM :: 3 comments

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