A Cry in the Dark
Monday, September 11, 2006
why won't the memories stop?
It goes without saying that today was a day of painful memories for so many of us. Why, after five years, does my chest still hurt, my throat tighten up, and tears spring to my eyes? While driving to work this morning, I heard the radio personalities reliving that day. Just the sound of their voices brought back vivid images.... The anguish in their voices as they shared the news with their audience. How blue the sky was that morning. How the traffic backed up on the Tappan Zee.... Every driver looking south to the smoke and flames rising into that blue, blue sky.... Pulling into the office and seeing a crowd in the conference room. Someone had pulled an on-line news channel onto the video screen so all employees could see what was happening.... An employee from Europe calling us to try to find his son who worked at the WTC because he couldn't reach anyone else.... Hearing about the Pentagon and telling my boss I was going home.... The fear in my family's voices when they finally reached me on my cell phone.... The crowds of people, silent tears, sharing hugs at the grocery store....Then.... The waiting. Waiting to hear if friends were safe. Had they made it out? Were they on their way home? I knew, as soon as I heard about the Aon offices that one friend would never go home again. I knew she was at work that day.... I didn't need the phone call that confirmed it. A call from the other friend's mother a few days later.... Another one gone in a tragedy that overwhelmed me with pain and confusion. If I felt like this from the loss of two friends, how must their families feel?I know that time heals all wounds. Five years hasn't been enough to heal this one, though. My heart still bleeds for all those lost. My spirit still aches for those who lost ones they love.
Posted by WistfulWench ::
4:47 PM ::
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