A Cry in the Dark

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

it's not a lot of fun around here....

Well, the results of that big hush-hush meeting are out. Actually, one announcement was made last Tuesday and the other was made on Friday.

They have terminated about 40 people at one location, closed 20 open positions at that same location and terminated about 20 people at the office I work in. My job is still looking pretty safe at the moment, though.

It wasn't a whole lot of fun going to work yesterday. Everyone is in a bad mood and the amount of work required for restructuring our business is going to be tremendous. I'm lucking out, here! While I know what will be required for a good portion of the integration, it doesn't impact my work area. I was nice about it, though. It would be so easy for me to just let the people who need to do the work hang themselves, as none of them recognized the potential impact of some of the decisions. Instead, I made it a point to tell them that certain things needed to be done by specific dates, or the whole house of cards could come crumbling down.

Yes, opening my mouth makes it very easy for them to try to bring me into the project as one of the players. Fortunately, the areas that are critical for a successful transition are NOT in my job description. My boss has already said that he does NOT want me to be involved, as I have my own projects to complete. And, after all, my pay raise this year was what every single other "average" employee received. So why should I bust my ass?

Things just get more interesting by the day....

Posted by WistfulWench :: 3:55 AM :: 4 comments

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