A Cry in the Dark

Monday, December 18, 2006

so, so many thoughts running around in my head.....

I’ve had so many great conversations this past month with people I truly respect. There are so many snippets and remarks that continue to run around in my head. Defining a BDSM relationship was a subject that brought out some great statements. While we all agreed that each relationship is different, we also recognized that there are some things that just ARE. Whether the relationship is M/s, D/s, Top/bottom, or called something else, the real crux of it comes down to an acceptance of a role. The definition of that role is agreed upon by the parties within the relationship.

There’s a part of me that wonders if attempts to explain a personal definition to others only leads to more confusion overall. Or does it create an environment where all the participants are on the same page?

More thoughts to come....

Posted by WistfulWench :: 5:32 PM :: 2 comments

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