A Cry in the Dark

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Lavender said something that really touched me this morning. It reminds me of a conversation with a couple of friends when I was struggling with some relationship issues a couple of years ago.

I had said something to the effect of wishing I didn’t have certain feelings about what had happened. What was said to me frequently comes back into my mind when I try to deny an emotion, so I thought I would share it.

When you feel something, it is valid. Always. It is your heart and mind talking to the inner you. You need to listen so you can accept. Trying to deny them only means that they will fester and come back again and again, stronger each time.

Now, accepting that I have a certain emotion does NOT mean I have to act on it. When someone makes me angry, I try to recognize why I feel that way. Is it the action or the person? If it’s the person, then why do they bring that emotion out in me? Can I find something positive about that person to reduce or offset the anger?

So many times, we are told that we are bad or wrong for our feelings. I don’t believe that for a second! We all have the RIGHT to our feelings. They are ALWAYS valid.

Posted by WistfulWench :: 4:38 AM :: 6 comments

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